“In the university, professors make up artificial problems. In the real world, the problems do not come in nice, neat packages. They have to be discovered.”
On completion of Module 2, I was clear on the importance of research as the cornerstone of UX design. I understood the necessity of truly understanding the problems of users before we attempt to solve them, and that research is the tool we utilise to do this. I built on my knowledge of qualitative and quantitative research methods, and learned about the importance of understanding the users attitudes as well as behaviours.
I learned how to set up and carry out various research techniques, including usability testing, customer and stakeholder interviews, card sorting exercises, online surveys, heuristic evaluations and A/B testing. Specifically, I learned to set clear usability test/interview objectives, recruit users, prepare scripts, conduct and record interviews, and facilitate and record usability test sessions for desktop and mobile.
Topics covered in Module 2
Research landscape
Qualitative research
Quantitative research
Observational / attitudinal
Research bias
Phrasing questions
Usability testing
Defining test objectives
Test scripts
Finding users
Desktop / mobile setups
Card sorting
Depth interviews
Online surveys
Stakeholder interviews
A/B testing
Heuristic rating scheme