editor | copywriter | UX designer/writer




Understanding the UX design process

The future deserves world-class UX design. And it needs more world-class UX designers.

The Professional Diploma comprised ten comprehensive modules covering all the aspects of best practice UX design. The course has been curated to teach you to think like a UX designer, and adopt the mindset that makes them so valuable. It develops the confidence that comes from a true, deep understanding of the domain.

  • Module 1 – Intro to UX design

  • Module 2 – User research

  • Module 3 – User goals

  • Module 4 – Structure and navigation

  • Module 5 – Interactions

  • Module 6 – Design principles

  • Module 7 – Design patterns

  • Module 8 – Mobile

  • Module 9 – Workflows

  • Module 10 – Prototyping and wireframing

Below you’ll find more info on the learning involved within each module. Find more information on the project work here.

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Intro to UX design

The foundations of the user-centred design process – the mindset required, the steps involved, the importance of each step and how they build on each other throughout the process.

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User research

The importance of research as the cornerstone of UX design – the necessity of truly understanding the problems of users before we attempt to solve them, and using research to achieve this.

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User goals

The necessity of analysing the research data gathered through the research phase in order to clearly articulate the needs of users and the problems they are experiencing.


Structure and navigation

Designing a coherent software product, based on clear structure and navigation, and importance of defining the information architecture and flow. Defining the flow for a digital product.

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Exploring the components of an interaction and how these components – control, rules and feedback – facilitate an interaction. Feedback is the starting point for effective interaction design.

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Design principles

Harnessing the power of design principles when it comes to designing software products. Design principles are proven solutions to common problems that help to make the purpose and function of a product clear. 

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Design patterns

Using design patterns to enhance the quality of software designs. Design patterns are techniques that allow us to bring design principles to life in software interfaces so they are more perceivable and predictable. 

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Designing effective mobile applications using design considerations for desktop versus mobile products. Exploring the key differences between responsive websites, mobile websites and native applications. 

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Defining effective workflows that allow users to complete common tasks while flowing smoothly through the product. Designing effective registration/onboarding workflows, sign-in processes, forms and payment flows.

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Prototyping and wireframing

Exploring the different types of prototypes – the benefits and drawbacks of each – and the common tools that can be used to develop them. Creating effective wireframe documentation for developers.